Betekenis van:
analysis of variance

analysis of variance
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a statistical method for making simultaneous comparisons between two or more means; a statistical method that yields values that can be tested to determine whether a significant relation exists between variables




    1. a statistical analysis of the results, where such is called for by the test programme, and variance within the data;
    2. For estimation of the LOEC and hence the NOEC, it is necessary to compare treatment means using analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques.
    3. If heterogeneity of variance is extreme and cannot be corrected by transformation, analysis by methods such as step-down Jonkheere trend tests should be considered.
    4. For estimation of the LOEC and hence the NOEC, and for effects of the test substance on growth rate, it is necessary to compare treatment means using analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques.
    5. The analysis also showed that for certain product groupings the price variance (the range of product values) within the grouping has changed significantly since the acceptance of the undertakings.
    6. estimates and confidence limits may also be obtained using linear interpolation with bootstrapping (13), if available regression models/methods are unsuitable for the data. For estimation of the LOEC and hence the NOEC, and for effects of the test substance on growth rate, it is necessary to compare treatment means using analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques.
    7. estimates and confidence limits may also be obtained using linear interpolation with bootstrapping (20), if available regression models/methods are unsuitable for the data. For estimation of the LOEC and hence the NOEC, it is necessary to compare treatment means using analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques.